
Sewer Collection Responsibilities Diagram

Sewer service lines run from your home, school, or business to the street where they then connect into the city owned and maintained sewer system. Property owners are responsible for the condition and operation of the service pipes up to where it connects into the City's sewer system.

There are approximately 100 miles of sewer lines throughout the City.  These lines carry sewage to the City's Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF).  Sewer pipe diameters range from 6 inches to 24 inches. 

There are 1,806 manholes located throughout the City.  These manholes link into the sewer system and are a place where sewage pumps are installed.

Lift Stations

A lift station is a pump or pump station. Sewers flow by gravity down a slope. When the sewer becomes too deep it flows into a manhole where there are pumps, which "lift" the sewage to a higher level.  It then continues to flow by gravity toward the treatment plant.  There are 9 lift stations located throughout the City. 


Our maintenance goal is to clean & remove debris from pipes every 2 years.  The City has a crew of 2 employees who jet and video the sewer lines.  The Department has a camera that is used to video and record the sanitary sewer lines and has been very helpful in locating possible blockages.  If a blockage is found, a letter is sent to the property owner, notifying them they may have a blockage in their sewer line in order to possibly prevent a sewer backup in the future.