FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

What is a low flow toilet?

High-efficiency toilets are the latest generation of toilets.  WaterSense® certified toilets use 1.28 gallons per flush which is 20% less than the current federal standard of 1.6 gallons and significantly less than older model toilets which can use up to 6 gallons per flush.  WaterSense® labeled products are backed by independent, third-party certification and meet EPA’s specifications for water efficiency and performance.

Why should I replace my toilet?

Replacing 3.5 gallon toilets with WaterSense® labeled toilets can save a household 12,000 gallons of water each year.  An average family of four uses 881 gallons of water per week just by flushing the toilet.  Saving water not only saves homeowners money, it decreases demands on the City’s groundwater source.